100% human content

AI philosophy for ilariamerizalde.com

No AI was used in the making of my website.

I’m not anti-AI; generative AI is a powerful way to increase productivity and creativity. But on my personal website, I am not using any AI tools.

AI is lightning quick

ChatGPT, Bard and countless others can produce hundreds of words in milliseconds.

AI mirrors the web

AI’s output derives from the chaotic depths of the internet. Sometimes, it makes up facts while presenting them as truth.

AI is not human

Even though AI was trained mostly on human-written internet content, whatever the AI decides to assemble is mathematically and automatically determined.

AI has a role to play

AI is quite valuable for content marketing. It can add structure and inform the work that goes into the final piece.

  • Organizing
  • Brainstorming
  • Summarizing
  • Research
  • Rote tasks

We’re on the cusp of an AI marketing revolution. Content marketers like me are thinking of how to harness the power of AI to future-proof our careers. But as of this particular moment in time, there is still a special role for…

100% human content

This is the creative output of a person’s education, upbringing, experiences, travels, successes, failures, memories, and opinions coalescing into a truly unique point of view. Perfect for a personal website!

To be thoughtful, be human.

100% human-generated words can enchant, persuade, and connect with people better than anything else… while the overuse of AI for creative purposes can lead to uniformity.

AI and humanity must coexist.

In truth, we don’t know what the future holds. But as we try to make the most of AI tools we can also think of how to keep our humanity front and center.